January 3, 2011

Aoyama’s Appearance In Aibou

dcfc previously reported that Detective Conan’s author, Aoyama Gosho, will play a forensic specialist in popular Japanese drama Aibou’s New Year’s Day special episode. Here are screenshots of the episode (click to view larger images):

Aoyama appears at around 8 minutes into the show, and his appearance lasts for slightly less than a minute.

Aibou’s producer Itou Hitoshi made a blog entry yesterday about Aoyama’s special involvement in this episode. According to Itou, when Aoyama came to visit the set, director Izumi Seiji personally made an offer to cast him in the show, and Aoyama readily accepted it. Here are pictures from Itou’s blog entry, with translated captions:

Putting on a forensic specialist’s coat!
Wearing a forensic specialist’s drawing board around his neck.
On to the set!
The scene with Mizutani-san!
The thing he’s drawing on the board is…
The assistant director informs Aoyama-sensei of the director’s instructions.
The assistant director is amazed by what is drawn on the board.
Co-starring with Oikawa-san!
Mizutani-san and Oikawa-san are also amazed by what is drawn on the board!
Even as an extra, he doesn’t leave out the details.
(He’s probably looking at the electric cables hanging down from the ceiling.)
Aoyama-sensei looks relieved after his part is done.
Taking a picture on the set with Mizutani-san.
Oikawa-san joins in, and the three take a picture.
And the thing that was drawn on the board is…this!

In that short period of time and with just a ball pen, he managed to come up with a drawing that looks like an actual manga drawing! It’s amazing!
An interview with both Aoyama-sensei and Mizutani-san
Lastly, an exchange of autographs!
Mizutani-san’s autograph!
Aoyama-sensei’s autograph!
Finally, they say goodbye with a firm handshake!

Source: blog.tvasobi.jp/entries/index/aibou
Image sources: blog.tvasobi.jp/entries/index/aibou, otanews.livedoor.biz

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