The Detective Conan anime and movies celebrate their 15th year anniversary next year!
The first episode of Detective Conan aired on 08 January 1996. In the blink of an eye, the Detective Conan anime is now approaching its 15th year of airing. Similarly, the 15th Detective Conan movie will open next year. Hence, 2011 will be the 15th year anniversary for both the television anime and the Detective Conan movies.
To celebrate this occasion, a special Detective Conan website has been set up. The website (in Japanese only) contains congratulatory messages from celebrities and a list of recommended episodes chosen by the main characters’s voice actors and actresses. In addition, a series of six videos entitled “Conan vs. Suwacchi Special Talk” will be available on the website. The videos will be added one per week on Saturdays. The first video showed an interview with Suwacchi (Suwa Michihiko), the chief producer of the Detective Conan anime, and a puppet Conan:
Here are links to the pages on the website (Japanese only):
Besides the special website, previously aired episodes of Detective Conan will also be available on online Japanese video sites. While the first episode is available for free, the other episodes are priced from 336-420 yen in sets of four episodes each. Episodes that aired in 1996 (episodes 01-42) will be available this year, while episodes that aired from 1997-1999 will be available next year.